Paradigm is excited to roll out our parabrite line of optical brighteners (OBA’s) for paper:
parabrite 901 - a Tetra OBA for use in the paper machine wet-end, the size press and in coatings
parabrite 902 - a Hexa OBA for use in in at the size press and in coatings
parabrite 903 - a Disulpho OBA for use in the paper machine wet-end
To view or print a detailed chart on our OBA's Click Here
All three OBA’s deliver the same high quality you have come to expect from Paradigm! They will also deliver better performance and at a cost-effectiveness not available from competitors offerings.
Brighter paper at lower costs are right around the corner. Why wait?
Contact your local Paradigm Consultant today or give us a call at 678-945-6742